Located on a pristine white sand beach with coral reefs offshore.

Overlooks the beach and the sea beyond.

Beautiful, clear turquoise waters

Beautiful coral reefs offshore.

Clear turquoise water right out your back door at Sea Biscuit.

From ships to dinghies, Man O War is renowned for its ship building history.

The cottage is located on a pristine white sand beach with coral reefs offshore.

Sea Biscuit has a simple, efficient kitchen that opens to the family room.

A two-person kayak and a one-person kayak are available for guests to use during their stay.

The Main Bedroom has a king size bed and a view of the sea (see next photo).

Beach and sea views from your bed. Leave your shade open and never miss a sunrise!

Pristine white sand beach offers endless possibilities for sand castle builders!

The second bedroom also has a king size bed.

With some planning, you can bring your dog to the Bahamas and Sea Biscuit.

The bathroom has a shallow tub for showering or bubble baths.

A large back deck overlooks the beach.